
Daily Meditations: The power of setting a good example

Some young Christians were attending an international summer camp. One project was to share ideas of how to better spread the gospel in the world. The young people talked about how to use radio and television programs, Bible camps and newspaper columns, and so on.

When they ran out of ideas, an African girl reported what was successful in her country. She said, “When Christians in my country think a pagan village is ready for Christianity, they don’t send them books or missionaries. They send them a good Christian family. The family’s example converts the village.”

We all know the power of good example. It is refreshing to see the news media inspire us with a story of a stranger really going out their way to help someone.

But what is really important is the good example that is given by parents to their children day after day in the privacy of the home. Their good example will not make the evening news but their bad example could cause their children to make the news in ways they would regret.

Now would be a good time for all of us to ask ourselves: What example are you giving to people, especially to young people?

There is an old saying: “An ounce of practice is worth a pound of preaching!”

God bless.


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