Truth prevails
Well, the American people finally saw the truth on the CNN debate.
I had friends say they were shocked at Biden’s condition. Oh really? These people were shocked because they were watching the wrong news networks. But what really shocked me was how fast CNN and MSNBC turned on Biden, that very night. These two networks have been covering for Biden’s condition for years. Joe Scarborough of MSNBC just said a couple weeks ago that Biden was sharp as a tack!
Everything these two networks reported on about Biden was lies, for years. Now the public has seen for themselves the truth. My question is this, why were these networks, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, covering up for the Democrats’ misdeeds, then suddenly turn against them overnight?
The Biden administration was using the DOJ and the attorney general and a team of lawyers to go after Trump, find anything they could to bring charges against him, unfairly. These networks refused to cover the mess at the border, crime on the streets, and homelessness in all our big cities. Shame on them for deceiving the American people.
As a veteran I am mad and I for one know who to vote for in November.
Allan Peterson