
Letters to the Editor

Don’t be fooled by rhetoric

EDITOR: After all the negative comments about the Dickinson County Board regarding the hospital issues, I would like to tell you the board has been abreast of the issues and is prepared to do whatever we can to see it stays open and protect the jobs, pensions and services they provide. ...

Give GOP two more years

EDITOR: Democrats claim to be the party of health care. Their signature accomplishment on health care is Obamacare but because it has failed so miserably, they now are advocating “Medicare for all!” The cost of this program is projected to be $32.6 trillion over 10 years or $23,000 ...

The choice is clear

EDITOR: There are important issues on the minds of voters this election: health care, roads and education to name a few. But to many Michiganders, preservation of our natural resources and outdoor recreation traditions is also important. On this issue, only Gretchen Whitmer is the candidate ...

Mom thankful for son’s DCHS ER treatment

EDITOR: My son, Gavin, was seen in the Dickinson County Memorial Hospital emergency room on Oct. 6 at about 10:30 p.m. We were visiting the area south of you in Wisconsin when my son had acute respiratory distress, Your hospital being the closest, we drove 50 minutes to your ER. We were ...

Maintaining the health of forests

EDITOR: The recent editorial, “Recognizing what forest products, jobs mean to the region” did a great job of highlighting the importance of active forest management in maintaining the health of the region’s forests and rural communities. The editorial also quotes the U.S. Forest ...

Guidelines for election letters

The Daily News will print letters related to the Nov. 6 elections through Thursday, Nov. 1, with submissions due no later than 4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 31. Letters should be no more than 250 words, preferably sent by email. To ensure all can have their say, new letter-writers will take priority ...