Our new governor wants to raise our fuel taxes again. Taxes and plate fees were just raised, but the problem is what we pay at the pump goes for a lot of other things. What we pay at the pump should be for roads only. Our legislature needs to fix that.
We also need a change in most ...
With Shopko closing its doors and the economic hardships the Dickinson County Hospital has faced, it is difficult to be optimistic about this area and its prospects for future growth.
However, with an excellent Dickinson County Library, YMCA and community college, that being Bay, this area ...
March is Social Work Month and this year’s theme is “Elevate Social Work.”
Social workers for generations have served as leaders, advocates and champions, helping individuals overcome challenges so they can live up to their full potential. Social workers also work tirelessly to improve ...
I was absolutely stunned to read several of President Trump’s tweets over the last week in which he degraded Sen. John McCain for not voting Trump’s way on several recent bills in Congress. He also accused McCain of a lie that everybody knows he did not say. But, then, this isn’t the ...
Some presidents have been brilliant politicians. Some have been towering statesmen. Some have been both. The person currently occupying the White House is neither. He has used his office and the power entrusted to him to enrich himself and his friends. He fears the “other.” Women are other; ...
EDITOR: To start off with, I am generally not a big supporter of Iron Mountain High School sports, especially basketball. Unfortunately, I think you were likely denied a state championship by the officials.
Overall they did a good job, but the calls in the last few seconds were likely blown ...